Kamis, 24 Januari 2013
English Grammar - 12C AK :D
disuatu ketikaaaaaa, ketika denting langkah tapak kaki seorang guruuu berbahasa inggriss, memasuki sebuah ruang kelass paling pokok luar. seketika semuaa anak berseragam putih-abu-abu yang ada dalam ruangan ituh berdiri.. dan kemudian berstand-up comedy #eh. maksunya mengucapakan salam dan kata " morninggggggggggggg sir....." *skip*hehe
and then, tiba dimana mulut bapak berucapa tentang tugas fardu ain *read=perorangan* untuk seketika membawa sebuah buku atau beberapa lembar kertass yang berisikan tentang "GRAMMAR" pada tauuu kan grammar" menurut bahsa ngaco nya. grammar terdiri dari kata gram=asin mar=martabak. so, yeyy.......... kita makan-makan yoiii mamenn. #loh. cut cut cut. benar-benar ngaco writer nyaa #tepukjidat# wk. sebenarnya kan grammar adalah tata bahasa dalam bahasa inggris. buat menjawab soal, makanya dibutuhkan sentuhan tangan untuk memahami or menghapal GRAMMAR.
yaudah, karena waktu nya sempit. nih aku yang merupakan bagian dari anggota kelass yang baik hati dan sangat sombong*eh. no! TIDAK SOMBONG dong??!! kan aku mau berbagi nih updatean grammar akuuuh,iyehh capcuz kawann.
YOKKKKKKKKKK, boleh di copas kawan :D entar di marahin mr. Hasan lo, kalo gak dicari grammar nya :P
Preference adalah suatu bentuk pernyataan yang menyatakan perasaan lebih suka dari yang lainnnya. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, ungkapan ini tidak begitu sulit, dimana kita cukup mengucapkan "Lebih Suka dari", namun dalam Bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa bentuk yang dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan pernyataan di atas, diantaranya adalah:
1. Prefer
• Prefer + to infinitive
• Prefer + nouns + to + nouns
• Prefer + V-ing + to + V-ing
• They prefer to stay home (Dia lebih suka tinggal di rumah)
• My mother prefers lemon to orange juice (Ibu saya lebih suka jus lemon daripada jus jeruk)
• She prefers swimming to dancing
2. Would rather
• Would rather + bare infinitives (kata kerja tanpa to)
• Would rather + bare infinitives + than + bare infinitives
• Would rather + bare infinitives + nouns + than + bare infinitives + nouns
• I would rather study now (Saya lebih baik belajar sekarang)
• She would rather stay home than go shopping (Dia lebih baik tinggal di rumah saja daripada berbelanja)
• You'd rather speak English than French
3. Would prefer to
• Would prefer + to infinitives + rather than + bare infinitives
• Would prefer + to infinitives + nouns + rather than + bare infinitives + nouns
• They would prefer to sing rather than dance. (Mereka lebih baik bernyanyi saja daripada menari)
• You'd prefer to play ball rather than take a sleep. (Kamu lebih baik bermain bola daripada tidur)
4. Like
• Like + nouns / V-ing + better than + nouns / V-ing
• I like singing a song better than playing a guitar (Saya lebih suka bernyanyi daripada bermain gitar)
• I like coffee better than tea. (Saya lebih suka kopi daripada teh)
5. Had better
• Had better + bare infinitives
• Had better + not + bare infinitives (bentuk negative)
• You had better study hard (Kamu lebih baik belajar yang giat)
• You had better not work on Sundays (Kamu lebih baik tidak usah bekerja pada hari Minggu)
Causative Verbs
Causative verbs (e.g. have, get, make, force, let, allow, permit, help, cause, enable, require, etc.) digunakan untuk mengekspresikan bahwa subject kalimat menyebabkan object kalimat melakukan suatu action (bentuk active) atau menyebabkan object kalimat dikenai suatu action (bentuk passive). Dalam bentuk active, action dilakukan oleh object kalimat,
The teacher forced us to study hard.
Di kalimat ini, action “study hard” dilakukan oleh “us“, dan terjadinya action tersebut disebabkan oleh “the teacher“.
Dalam bentuk passive, action pada umumnya tidak dilakukan oleh subject kalimat, walaupun kadang-kadang action tersebut juga bisa dilakukan oleh subject kalimat. Bentuk passive tidak menonjolkan siapa pelaku dari action tersebut, melainkan lebih menonjolkan pada terjadinya suatu action.
I had my room cleaned.
Di contoh ini, siapa yang melakukan action “cleaning my room” tidak disebutkan walaupun itu sebenarnya dikerjakan oleh my sister (saya tahu karena saya yang menulis kalimatnya ). Sebaliknya, kalau saya mau mengeskpresikan bahwa my sister yang mengerjakannya, maka kalimatnya dapat kita rubah menjadi,
I had my sister clean my room.
Kenapa pada contoh 1 digunakan infinitve “to study“, di contoh 2 digunakan verb3 “cleaned“, dan di contoh 3 digunakan simple verb (verb1) “clean“?
Well, kita tidak usah mencari tahu alasannya, nanti tambah ribet. Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah causative verbs yang mana saja yang mengikuti pola-pola berikut ini,
Bentuk active:
1 Subject + causative verb + object + verb1 + …
2 Subject + causative verb + object + infinitive + …
Bentuk passive:
3 Subject + causative verb + object + verb3 + …
• Causative verbs bisa dalam sembarang tensis, tergantung pada konteks yang ingin diekspresikan.
• Verb1 adalah verb dasar (simple form verb), yaitu verb yang tidak diimbuhi e/es, atau -ing, misalnya: clean, buy, study, etc.
• Infinitive adalah to + verb1, misalnya: to clean, to buy, to study, etc.
• Verb3 adalah past participle, misalnya: cleaned, bought, studied, etc.
• Hanya 4 dari causative verbs di atas yang bentuk active-nya menggunakan pola 1. Do you know which ones?
Sebagai causative verb, have dan get bermakna sama (= menyuruh/membuat), tetapi pola penggunaannya berbeda. Dalam bentuk active, have mengikuti pola 1, sedangkan get mengikuti pola 2. Bentuk passive-nya sama-sama mengikuti pola 3.
• Andi has had his brother buy a pack of cigarettes. (Andi telah menyuruh/membuat adiknya membeli sebungkus rokok).
• Andi has got his brother to buy a pack of cigarettes.
• I will have my friend do my homework. (Aku akan menyuruh temanku mengerjakan PRku)
• I will get my friend to do my homework.
• Andi has had a pack of cigarettes bought. (Sebungkus rokok telah dibeli oleh seseorang. Andi menyuruh orang itu).
• Andi has got a pack of cigarettes bought.
• I will have my homework done .
• I will get my homework done.
Sebagai causative verb, make maknanya lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan have dan get. Dalam hal ini, makna make sama dengan force (= memaksa). Make dan force hanya memiliki bentuk active, so pola 3 tidak digunakan. Make mengikuti pola 1, sedangkan force mengikuti pola 2.
• The robbers made the bank clerk open the safe box. (Perampok-perampok itu memaksa pegawai bank itu membuka kotak uang).
• The robbers forced the bank clerk to open the safe box.
• Sometimes it’s hard for parents to make their children study regularly. (Kadang-kadang sulit bagi para orang tua untuk memaksa anaknya belajar secara reguler).
• Sometimes it’s hard for parents to force their children to study regularly.
Let = allow = permit = mengijinkan; Let mengikuti pola 1 sedangkan allow dan permit mengikuti pola 2.
• My sister does not let me enter her room. (Kakakku tidak mengijinkan aku masuk kamarnya)
• My sister does not allow me to enter her room.
• My sister does not permit me to enter her room.
• Because of the earthquake, the teacher let the students leave class earlier.
• Because of the earthquake, the teacher allowed the students to leave class earlier.
• Because of the earthquake, the teacher permitted the students to leave class earlier. (Karena (terjadi) gempa, guru itu mengijinkan murid-murid pulang lebih awal).
Help = assist = aid = membantu. Help dapat mengikuti pola 1 dan 2, sedangkan assist dan aid hanya mengikuti pola 2.
• He will help me do my job.
• He will help me to do my job.
• He will assist me to do my job.
• He will aid me to do my job. (Dia akan membantuku mengerjakan pekerjaanku).
Penggunaan cause (menyebabkan), enable (memungkinkan), keep (menjaga/ mempertahankan), hold(menahan), require (mempersyaratkan/ membutuhkan), ect. mengikuti pola 2.
• The badly manufactured LPG tanks have caused many of them to explode. (Tabung-tabung gas LPG yang dibuat dengan jelek telah menyebabkan banyak dari tabung-tabung itu meledak).
• A high English proficiency will enable us to study abroad. (Kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang tinggi akan memungkinkan kita belajar di luar negeri).
• Most Canadian universities require student candidates to have a TOEFL score of at least 550.(Kebanyakan universitas di Canada mempersyaratkan calon-calon mahasiswa memiliki score TOEFL minimal 550).
So, causatives tidak begitu rumit, bukan? Ya, karena hanya have, make, let yang harus diikuti oleh verb1, sedangkan verb lainnya diikuti oleh infinitive. Khusus untuk help seharusnya tidak akan error karena verb yang mengikutinya adalah optional (bisa verb1, bisa juga infinitive).
Subjunctive adalah bentuk kalimat pengandaian
Struktur Subjunctive
be (past) be (present) Kata kerja lain (past & present)
I were
you were
he, she, it were
we were
you were
they were I be
you be
he, she, it be
we be
you be
they be I work
you work
he, she, it work
we work
you work
they work
Penggunaan Subjunctive
Kita menggunakan subjunctives ketika kita berbicara tentang suatu kegiatan yang sebenarnya tidak akan terjadi. Kita menggunakan subjunctive ketika berbicara tentang kegiatan yang seseorang:
• Inginkan agar terjadi
• Harapkan akan terjadi
• Membayangkan akan terjadi
• The President requests that you be present at the meeting.
• It is vital that you be present at the meeting.
• If you were at the meeting, the President would be happy.
Subjunctive biasanya menggunakan kedua struktur berikut:
• Kata Kerja: ask, command, demand, insist, propose, recommend, request, suggest + that
• Ekspresi: it is desirable, essential, important, necessary, vital + that
• The manager insists that the car park be locked at night.
• The board of directors recommended that he join the company.
• It is essential that we vote as soon as possible.
• It was necessary that every student submit his essay by the weekend.
Perhatikan bahwa struktur berikut ini, subjunctive-nya sama. Tidak masalah kalimat itu tenses-nya past atau present. Contoh:
• Present: The President requests that they stop the occupation.
• Past: The President requested that they stop the occupation.
• Present: It is essential that she be present.
• Past: It was essential that she be present.
Kita selalu menggunakan were sebagai pengganti “was” setelah if (dan kata lainnya yang memiliki arti yang sama). Contoh:
• If I were you, I would ask her.
• Suppose she were here. What would you say?
Mengapa kita menggunakan “I were”, “he were”?
Kita sering mendengar orang berkata “if I were you, I would go” atau “if he were here, he would tell you”. Memang normalnya adalah: I was, he was. Tetapi struktur if I were youtidak melihat Past Tense”. Struktur tersebut hanya mengenal past subjunctive untuk “to be” nya. Perhatikan contoh kata-kata/frase di bawah ini untuk struktur di atas:
• if
• as if
• wish
• suppose
(The were form is correct at all times.) Informal
(The was form is possible in informal, familiar conversation.)
If I were younger, I would go. If I was younger, I would go.
If he weren’t so mean, he would buy one for me. If he wasn’t so mean, he would buy one for me.
I wish I weren’t so slow! I wish I wasn’t so slow!
I wish it were longer. I wish it was longer.
It’s not as if I were ugly. It’s not as if I was ugly.
She acts as if she wereQueen. She acts as if she was Queen.
If I were you, I should tell her. Note: We do not normally say “if I was you”, even in familiar conversation.
Beberapa ekspresi menggunakan subjunctive. Contoh:
• Long live the King!
• God bless America!
• Heaven forbid!
• Be that as it may, he still wants to see her.
• Come what may, I will never forget you.
• We are all citizens of the world, as it were.
What are modal verbs?
Modals (also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries) are special verbs which behave irregularly in English. They are different from normal verbs like "work, play, visit..." They are used to indicate modality. They give additional information about thefunction of the main verb that follows it. They have a great variety of communicative functions.
Use of modal verbs:
Modal verbs are used to express functions such as:
1. Permission
2. Ability
3. Obligation
4. Prohibition
5. Lack of necessity
6. Advice
7. possibility
8. probability
Modal verbs are followed by an infinitive without "to"
• You must stop when the traffic lights turn red
• You should see to the doctor
• There are a lot of tomatoes in the fridge. You need not buy any.
• You ought to go to the doctor
A list of modals
Here is a list of modals:
• Modal Verb • Meaning • Expressing • Example
must to have to 100 % obligation I must stop when the traffic lights turn red.
to be very probable logical conclusion (deduction) He must be very tired after such enormous work
must not not to be allowed to prohibition You must not smoke in the hospital.
can to be able to ability I can swim
to be allowed to permission Can I use your phone please?
it is possible possibility Smoking can cause cancer !
could to be able to ability in the past When I was younger I could stay up all night and not get tired..
to be allowed to more polite permission Excuse me, could I just say something?
it is possible possibility It could rain tomorrow!
may to be allowed to permission May I use your phone please?
it is possible, probable possibility, probability It may rain tomorrow!
might to be allowed to more polite permission Might I use your phone please?
it is possible, probable weak possibility, probability I might come and visit you in America next year, if I can save enough money.
need necessary necessity Need I say more?
need not not necessary lack of necessity/absence of obligation I need not buy any tomatoes. There are plenty in the fridge.
should/ought to used to say or ask what is the correct or best thing to do 50 % obligation I should / ought to see a doctor. I have a terrible headache.
to suggest an action or to show that it is necessary advice You should / ought to revise your lessons
to be very probable logical conclusion (deduction) He should / ought to be very tired after such enormous work
had better to suggest an action or to show that it is necessary advice You 'd better revise your lessons
The adverbs and the adjectives in English
Adverbs tell us in what way someone does something. Adverbs can modify verbs (here: drive), adjectives or other adverbs.
Adjectives tell us something about a person or a thing. Adjectives can modify nouns (here: girl)or pronouns (here: she).
adjective adverb
Mandy is a careful girl. Mandy drives carefully.
She is very careful.
Mandy is a careful driver. This sentence is about Mandy, the driver, so use the adjective.
Mandy drives carefully. This sentence is about her way of driving, so use the adverb.
Adjective + -ly
adjective adverb
dangerous dangerously
careful carefully
nice nicely
horrible horribly
easy easily
electronic electronically
irregular forms
good well
fast fast
hard hard
If the adjective ends in -y, change -y to -i. Then add -ly.
happy - happily
but: shy - shyly
If the adjective ends in -le, the adverb ends in -ly.
Example: terrible - terribly
If the adjective ends in -e, then add -ly.
Example: safe - safely
Tip: Not all words ending in -ly are adverbs.
adjectives ending in -ly: friendly, silly, lonely, ugly
nouns, ending in -ly: ally, bully, Italy, melancholy
verbs, ending in -ly: apply, rely, supply
There is no adverb for an adjective ending in -ly.
Use of adverbs
to modify verbs:
The soccer team played badly last Saturday.
to modify adjectives:
It was an extemely bad match.
to modify adverbs:
The soccer team played extremely badly last Wednesday.
to modify quantities:
There are quite a lot of people here.
to modify sentences:
Unfortunately, the flight to Dallas had been cancelled.
Types of adverbs
1) Adverbs of manner
2) Adverbs of degree
3) Adverbs of frequency
4) Adverbs of time
5) Adverbs of place
How do know whether to use an adjective or an adverb?
John is a careful driver. -> In this sentences we say how John is - careful.
If we want to say that the careful John did not drive the usual way yesterday - we have to use theadverb: John did not drive carefully yesterday.
Here is another example:
I am a slow walker. (How am I? -> slow -> adjective)
I walk slowly. (Ho do I walk? -> slowly -> adverb)
Adjective or Adverb after special verbs
Both adjectives and adverbs may be used after look, smell and taste. Mind the change in meaning.
Here are two examples:
adjective adverb
The pizza tastes good.
(How is the pizza?) Jamie Oliver can taste well.
(How can Jamie Oliver taste?)
Peter's feet smell bad.
(How are his feet?) Peter can smell badly.
(How can Peter smell?)
Do not get confused with good/well.
Linda looks good.
(What type of person is she?)
Linda looks well.
(How is Linda? -> She may have been ill, but now she is fit again.)
How are you? - I'm well, thank you.
One can assume that in the second/third sentence the adverb well is used, but this is wrong.
well can be an adjective (meaning fit/healthy), or an adverb of the adjective good.
Use the adjective when you say something about the person itself.
Use the adverb, when you want to say about the action.
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